We never dream of success, we work for it


Food Quality & Safety Certifications

Food Safety System Certification

The FSSC is a robust, internationally recognised certification scheme which ensures the safety and quality of food standards and processes and is applicable to all organisations in the food supply chain regardless of size and complexity. It is aligned with the ISO management approach, and it is recognised by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI).

CIM Plants are certified in FSSC 22000 since May 2023. The certificate scope is applicable to production of wheat and maize flour, pasta, biscuits, the production of ruminant and monogastric dry animal feed.


ISO 22000 and ISO 9001 are globally recognised standards for quality management. They are certifiable and allow organisations to demonstrate the ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements.

Our CIM Plant which comprises of wheat mill, maize mill, pasta plant, biscuit plant and animal feed plant are ISO 9001:2015 certified since November 2022.

National Independent Halaal Trust (NIHT)

The National Independent Halaal Trust (NIHT) provides Halaal auditing and certification services to NIHT clients and members, as well as to other companies across the spectrum. The NIHT is dedicated to provide Muslim and non-Muslim consumers with legitimate and authentic certified products.

Our pasta plant is certified Halaal by the NIHT, certified products produced at these sites display Halaal certification on the product packaging.

Halal Commission of Mozambique

The Halál Commission of Mozambique (C.H.M.) was founded in June 2005, this is a certification body responsible for the regulation of “Halál” consumer products that certifies or approves a specific establishment, or products based on conditions that vary according to the type or composition of each establishment.

Our maize mill, wheat mill, pasta and biscuit plant are Halal certified, all the products produced at these sites display Halal certification on the product packaging.